Satoyama Landscapes

No. 18 by Kana Ito

The artist Kana Ito started work on the “Satoyama Landscapes” in the 18th room in the series on 2nd June, 2015, and completed it on 20th June, 2015.
“I wanted to create a world which would fill the guests with calm” said Ms. Ito. In a room in the Shimbashi area, looking out onto a cluster of buildings in the middle of the city, the scenery of Japan’s Satoyama Landscapes is drawn, depicting people living in harmony with nature, the changing seasons unfolding like a picture scroll being unrolled. With its gentle, familiar colors, stepping into the completed room is rather like walking into a picture book.
Inside a closet to the left, just as you enter the room, is a field of rape blossoms. Then, on the walls, there’s a rice field that’s just been freshly planted. If you continue to the right, the rice grows, and we see a scene of the changing seasons, with windows sandwiched in between. With autumn come hanging, golden-colored heads of rice. Each wall depicts a different season, but whichever one you look at, you can’t miss the distinctive plants and animals of “Satoyama Landscapes”. Spring rape blossoms, swallows, tadpoles. Summer frogs, ants. The autumn cosmos, sparrows and winter foxes. Also, the artist wanted to depict the summer nights on the ceiling, so when the lights are turned off, you can see fireflies and the Milky Way in glowing fluorescent paint. In Artist Room Satoyama Landscapes, have a relaxing stay, while searching for Japan’s seasons in the walls.


Staff recommendation comment
Japan has rich nature throughout all four seasons.
You can feel a lot of beauty in every season and each one has a completely different vibe even if you visit the same place.
In other words, if you would like to fully enjoy one of your favorite places, and feel all four seasons you need to visit it at least four times in a year, wouldn’t you think?
If you think about it, it takes lots of preparing and it’s also very expensive.
What a shame, right?
However, there is good news. You can enjoy beautiful nature in one of the Park Hotel Tokyo’s Artist Room called “Satoyama Landscapes”, where you can experience all four seasons of Japan at once. In this room, you can feel the changing of the seasons. In addition, you can see the plants and animals that symbolize each season which are painted with great detail.
Furthermore, the art works are not only painted in the bedroom, but there are also wooden bird figures on the wall, as well as cute bird’s footprints in the bathroom.
If you are interested in Japanese nature or want to enjoy all four seasons at once, how about this room?

Room #3114  |  Completion Date: June 2015

Artist's Message

“Satoyama landscapes” means the Japanese countryside, where people live in harmony with nature.
I painted “Satoyama landscapes” through the four seasons – spring, summer, autumn and winter.
I created this world so that guests can experience calm and tranquility.
In “Satoyama landscapes”, you can lie down and relax….
In “Satoyama landscapes”, you can have a picnic…
You can look for all sorts of animals, birds and insects gathered here.
When you open the curtains, take a look at the urban landscape from the tranquility of “Satoyama landscapes”.
I hope you will enjoy the experience in this way.

Kana Ito

“Infinite Time and Space Amid Cognizant Japanese Beauty”

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