
Park Hotel Tokyo SDGs Declaration

Based on the management philosophy of Shiba Park Hotel Co., Ltd.
“Investigating the Way of Hospitality” and the behavioral guidelines “The Spirit of Hospitality”
(Have a spirit of gratitude to our guests, staff, business partners, and local communities, and also have the ability to think from the other person’s perspective), Park Hotel Tokyo endorses the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) proposed by the United Nations and will strive to achieve a sustainable society.


Vol. 05 April 2023 (to be revised)

What is SDGs
SDGs activities in Park Hotel Tokyo
2.Creating a comfortable workplace
3.Environmental initiatives
4.Health and safety


What is SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. This is the goal set by 193 United Nations Member States to achieve in the 15 years from 2016 to 2030. Composed of 17 goals and 169 targets for a sustainable world, we pledge “Leave No One Behind.”


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SDGs activities in Park Hotel Tokyo

How we can contribute to sustainable vacations. We have set four key goals that aim to contribute to the 17 Sustainable Goals (SDGs) as follows: We will steadily implement initiatives to our guests, employees, business partners, and communities. We are also committed to contributing to people with disabilities through our art activities. We incorporate hospitality (art) that allows our guests to experience Japanese aesthetics in the ART=Atrium, Restaurant, and Travel scenes, and we will make various efforts to welcome our guests and to be a presence that is sought after by society.



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1. Partnership/Community

Strengthening the connection between the company and social value creation Community symbiosis society



  • Creation of venues for arts and cultural activities

Park Hotel Tokyo aims to be a company needed by society, creates common values through the medium of art, and aims to play a role in supporting and contributing to artists. We hold ART in PARK HOTEL TOKYO (abbreviation AiPHT/ Hotel-style art fair of contemporary art) in the hotel with the cooperation of the ART OSAKA secretariat of the Association for the Promotion of Contemporary Art in Japan(currently exhibition only). By cooperating with many artists, curators, and galleries, we hold artwork exhibitions all year round in various locations inside the hotel, leading to additional value creation for the art world.

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Corridor galleries in PARK HOTEL TOKYO


  • Creation of opportunities for artists with disabilities and supporting their independence

As part of our social contribution activities, we hold a permanent exhibition in the corridor on the 32nd floor with the cooperation of the Paralym Art. Through this space based on art, in an environment that welcomes not only Japanese guests but also many foreigners visiting Japan, we provide a place for artists to practice their art continuously, and we seek to share their works with people from all over the world. The exhibition works can even be purchased, and we also placed a donations box in the exhibition venue. The vending machines for staff usage in the backyard and inside the hotel feature designs from works of Paralym Art. A part of the sales from those vending machines will go through the Paralym Art organization and be used to support independence and societal progress for artists.

Initiative to support disabled artists' activities
・Holding art exhibitions (all year round) featuring domestic and international works
・Exhibit and sale of works (part of the sales go to artists)
・Operating a donations box
・Donating part of the sales from vending machines inside the hotel
・Participating as a business collaborator in the Paralym Art World Cup
・Offering accommodation package with a donation (Donation of 200 yen per room/ night)


Paralym Art World Cup


Paralym Art exhibitions in PARK HOTEL TOKYO

* Initiatives implemented with the cooperation of the Paralym Art, which conducts art projects based on the philosophy of “creating a world where people with disabilities can achieve their dreams through art”.

  • Accommodating guests with disabilities

Park Hotel Tokyo, with its reception on the 25th floor, is barrier-free and has a universal room available. Wheelchairs and cellular phones are available for rent within the hotel, and check-in and check-out procedures can be handled in the guest rooms, allowing guests with disabilities to stay in our Park Hotel Tokyo with peace of mind.

  • Omotenashi concierge on duty

The Omotenashi Concierge, Park Hotel Tokyo’s hospitality specialists, will provide precise guidance according to each guest’s different needs and a memorable hotel experience with Japanese aesthetics and hospitality to make the stay more memorable.


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2. Creating a comfortable workplace

Promote work-style reform, Instill workplace policies, Improve guest satisfaction


  • In-House awards (Good Job、 Continuous Service)

The Good Job commendation is an initiative for recommending examples of good work that leaves an impression on staff members as a Good Job. Twice a year, several cases are awarded from among the many good works. This initiative started with the aim of fostering a culture of praise and has evolved from making employees proud and rewarded for their work to being used as a tool for the realization of the management philosophy and behavioral guidelines.Staff who have worked for 10, 20, or 30 years are given continuous service
awards. (This also leads to a reduction in turnover.)

In-House awards 2019

  • Holding Cooking Contest

Cooking contests are held in the Shiba Park Hotel Group for the purpose of internal communication and increasing motivation. Young people, mainly cooks, as well as members of other departments participate in the contest as a team, and marriage with drinks is also held.

パークホテル東京  2022年料理コンテスト表彰式
2022 Cooking Contest Awards Ceremony

  • In-House Training, Cultural/Art workshops, club activities, and Outside training

We have monthly training sessions for the next generation of leaders, book clubs to develop diverse and versatile staff not limited to the hotel, and club activities to broaden the scope of our skills and hobbies. Because Park Hotel Tokyo specializes in art, we create opportunities for studying at museums and accommodations with art concepts. Starting in 2021, we are implementing the “hotel attractions learning program” for hotel employees. This plan sets up an opportunity for hotel employees to teach each other about ways to achieve both work satisfaction and improvement of customer satisfaction levels.
We also create opportunities to experience the Japanese tea ceremony to learn about the Japanese spirit of hospitality, and participate in seminars outside the company that will lead to our career advancement. These experiences lead to increased awareness and motivation, and we aim to improve not only as hotel staff but also as a member of society.

  • Hiring foreign staff/Japanese language training

In recent years, we have hired foreign staff to support the increasing number of inbound visitors and to give our guests a sense of security when they come to Japan. We are working to create an environment where every staff can play an active role, regardless of nationality, age, or gender, and where we can improve our careers according to our abilities. We also provide Japanese language training to improve customer service skills.


As of Jue 2022 Foreign staff 
6 out of 61 staff
Spanish, Russian, Italian, Nepalese, Lithuanian
  • Reduced hours system/Maternity and childcare leave system (for both men and women)

We try to promote an environment where all staff can work comfortably and support a balance between work and childcare. The introduction of this system also leads to the development of a diverse workforce.

  • Internship

In recent years, while the number of applicants for employment in the service industry is said to be lowering, we are actively working to provide beneficial hands-on experience for college and university students to help them find future employment or enter the workforce. Our sister hotel, Shiba Park Hotel, also offers several days of hands-on experience for students from high schools, junior high schools and schools for the disabled.

  • Transitioning to an automated solution

To improve the efficiency and productivity of operations, a check-in tablet device and a 24-hour foreign currency exchange machine have been installed. Also, information on the art exhibition in the hotel is now available through QR codes. These initiatives have reduced the amount of time guests have to wait, relieved labor shortages and reduced overtime work. Increasing the time to serve guests in person creates job satisfaction.


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3. Environmental initiatives

Creation of shared values, Realization of a society symbiosis with nature, Creation of a recycling society Ethical consumption initiative that takes people, society, and the global environment into consideration


  • Environmentally friendly with plant-based ingredients

In guest rooms, we are offering THANN with over 95% plant and mineral-based ingredients as an amenity. And in the hotel entrance, guests are greeted with aromas made from 100% natural essential oils extracted from plants. The pleasant scent has a soothing psychological effect, while the plants’ natural neutralizing, deodorizing, antibacterial, and antiviral properties are effective in purifying the air in the hotel. These efforts will lead to our safety and health improvement.

THANN (Bath amenities, Hand wash) 
・Product does not use any mineral oil, parabens,  MIT,  dyes,  fragrances,  or animal ingredients
・Product avoids animal testing
・Product consists of over 95% plants and minerals

  • Paper resource countermeasures

Changing the materials used for hotel employees’ name cards to banana paper (currently being changed)
Banana paper is a fair trade paper made out of banana fibers taken from organic banana stems, which until now had only been discarded, and then processed with Japanese papermaking techniques. This ethical paper is friendly to the environment, creates employment for poor villages in Africa, supports the independence of locals, and helps connect Africans and the biology living there with the world.

Payment slips, withholding tax forms, the internal newsletter issued four times a year, and the ART brand manual for staff have been replaced to data distribution through the system implementation. This has led to a reduction in errors and workload, and an increase in the certainty and speed with which information is communicated to staff. (Work efficiency has also promoted a change in the way we work, and also enabled staff to achieve a better work balance.)

SDGs_parkhoteltokyo_banana_paper_fair_trade SDGs_parkhoteltokyo_banana_paper_one_planet_cafe

PHOTO: One Planet Café

  • Measures to combat global warming

– Reduction in the use of plastic products
– Elimination of the use of plastic straws
To reduce carbon dioxide, one of the problems of global warming, we have eliminated the use of plastic straws and introduced paper straws and sugarcane straws in all of our restaurants.

* Currently changing paper straws to sugarcane straws
Sugarcane straws are made from bagasse (food residue byproduct from the sugarcane refining process) that used to be disposed of as an industrial waste material and PLA (polylactic acid), making them an upcycled product that is biodegradable with 100% natural ingredients.

  • Zero use of PET bottles for mineral water in guest rooms

The mineral water in guest rooms is natural mineral water extracted from the nature of the Kunisaki Peninsula in Oita Prefecture, which is soft and easy to drink. Additionally, to eliminate plastic, we use aluminum cans, a material considered to be environmentally friendly.
SDGs park hotel tokyo Mineralwater SDGs park hotel tokyo Mineralwate recycle

Mineral water in guest rooms
Natural mineral water that is soft and easy to drink, sourced in Japan.
Soft water with a hardness of 64, making it refreshing and easy to drink
Delicious natural water extracted from the Kanagoe Mountains in Oita Prefecture, Japan.
Natural water produced by the nature of Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita Prefecture (place of collection: Honjo, Kitsuki City, Oita Prefecture)
Mineral-rich natural water collected from 250m below the ground.
Calcium 1.1mg, Magnesium 0.9mg, Sodium 1.4mg (per 100ml)
Environmentally friendly label-less (direct printing) packaging.
Use aluminum bottle cans that are recyclable without removing the label.
* Reduction of approximately 17,000 plastic bottle products per year (compared to 2019)

Use of aluminum material
■Reduction of waste
Aluminum cans are recycled many times instead of being thrown away, reducing waste and decreasing the load on waste landfills (Aluminum can recycling rate: 97.9%).
■Resource conservation
The raw material for new aluminum ingots is a precious natural resource. Japan imports 100% of new aluminum ingots from overseas. The recycling of aluminum cans will be an effective use of limited resources.
■Saving energy
The production of recycled ingots from collected aluminum cans saves 97% of energy compared to making new ones (Only 3% of energy is needed to recycle ingots).

  • Providing mineral water by paper carton product in guest rooms

We have discontinued the use of plastic bottles for guest room mineral water containers and have introduced paper products (made by Havary’s). Havary’s products use FSC-certified recyclable paper materials, and can be 100% recycled in the process of letting paper be reborn as paper. Also, ¥1 is donated to a global nature conservation fund for each bottle sold.

  • Amenities with reduced CO2 emissions and plastic usage to be provided
    *Approximately half of all guest room items have been changed
    (Toothbrush, hairbrush, leather, cotton set, body towel, shower cap)

SDGs パークホテル東京 CO2排出削減・プラスチック使用量削減アメニティーを随時採用

We use products that contain renewable biological resources consisting of waste portions of wheat, resulting in a 29% reduction of plastic. By using kraft-like paper made in Japan, we have reduced plastic by 89% in packaging.
* Wheat-derived plant resources are contained in toothbrushes, hairbrushes, and leather. (Other amenities are different environmentally friendly products.

  • Laundry bag made of eco-friendly materials to be provided
    *Approximately half of all guest room items have been changed

SDGs parkhoteltokyo LIMEX is a new material based on limestone

LIMEX is a new material based on limestone.
Use as a bag reduces the amount of plastic contained in the product.

  • Promotion of LED

Up to 80% of the building’s lighting is LED, with the rest using energy-saving fluorescent bulbs. In the future, we will gradually replace all the lighting in the building with LEDs to contribute to the prevention of global warming.

LED conversion rate (as of September 2020)
Guest rooms ……  80%
Guest room corridor …… 100%
Restaurant (Inside) ……  95%
Restaurant (Kitchen) …… 100%
Office (25F) …… 100%
Office (24F) ……  40%


  • Rainforest Alliance Certified Products (Coffee beans)

All of the coffee offered in each restaurant uses products certified by the Rainforest Alliance. By proactively using coffee beans certified by the Rainforest Alliance, an international non-profit organization that works to preserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable living, we are helping to protect the global environment and support producers in developing countries.

  • Thorough recycling of valuable resources

Waste oil from restaurant kitchens and others, including cooking oil, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans, are collected by recycling companies and either recycled or sorted into smaller pieces for disposal.

  • Call for eco-cleaning

Guests staying two nights or more are encouraged to skip the bed sheet change if they wish to help the environment by minimizing the use of organic detergents and other chemicals generated by the cleaning process.


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4. Health and safety

Ensuring safety and security

  • The drink menus at Hotel restaurants

The drink menus at Japanese restaurant Hanasanshou and all-day dining ART colours Dining offer Rain Forest Alliance certified products, organic products, and products that take food waste into consideration. The menus are marked with these symbols so guests can choose environmentally friendly products.

  • Accommodate food allergies/restrictions

The hotel serves guests from all over the world and has a large number of international staff. Some of our guests and staff have food allergies and restrictions due to their religious beliefs or health needs, so we offer multiple menu configurations to accommodate them flexibly.

  • Entire hotel is non-smoking

To prevent second-hand smoking and protect the health, all guest rooms in Park Hotel Tokyo have been non-smoking since 2014.

  • Fire drills and evacuation drills

To strengthen and maintain sustainability in case of disasters and accidents, we conduct monthly disaster drills and annual firefighting review meetings and support the training and qualification of fire prevention managers and fire prevention center personnel. As the hotel has many guests from abroad, we also conduct disaster drills in English.

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